by Julia Whitmore | May 4, 2022 | Evergreen
What is NCBF’s mission? We believe in the presumption of innocence and work to end pre-trial detention. We seek to disrupt the criminal legal system that targets and punishes Black and Indigenous people and people of color. We believe that impacted communities are in...
by Julia Whitmore | Apr 26, 2022 | Evergreen
History of Bail Bail has its origins more than 1500 years ago in what is present day England. During that period, Anglo-Saxons shifted away from the Germanic tribal approach of physically violent retribution to a crime. This was replaced with payments (goods or money)...
by Julia Whitmore | Mar 4, 2021 | Evergreen
The criminal punishment system is complex. When you think about how long one may attend school to become a lawyer or judge, you can understand why the average citizen may not know much at all about how courts work on a local level, let alone a national level. The...
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